
Things to Know Before Designing Your Website’s UI

Do you know why many users tend to leave a website in 10-20 seconds or uninstall apps in a few days? The reason is poorly designed websites. When users have difficulty navigating websites or if the web page loads too slowly, you may not get desired results for your business. That is why UI design becomes such a big part of a website.

User Interface (UI) focuses on the design and look of a website that customers interact with. Every page, button, screen and other visual component users come across during website use constitutes the UI. 

Since a website is the point of contact with customers, you don’t want to give a bad impression. Below is a discussion on how a well-designed user interface can benefit your business and what mistakes you should avoid while designing the UI.

Benefits of good UI design

Attract and acquire customers

Good quality UI design can make a lot of difference in creating a positive user experience. It can give you a huge competitive advantage and help you attract more customers to your business.

In today’s competitive business environment, there are chances that other designers are trying to attract the same customers you’re trying to target. Here, the design of your user interface can help you stand out and get people to find your page.  

Increase customer satisfaction

A well-designed website allows customers to navigate and engage with the content easily. Ease of use increases the conversion rate and the chances of your business getting recommended to others. 

Also, customers with a smooth purchase experience will likely remain loyal to your brand and make repeat purchases, increasing your ROI.

Reduce expenses on customer support

When users encounter issues with the website, they will seek support. But such bounce rate will reduce significantly when your UI design is intuitive. Moreover, your customer support department will get fewer complaints, which will, in turn, reduce the company’s expenses. 

Therefore, focusing on a simple and functional interface can minimise errors, doubts, unwanted actions and negative word of mouth. 

Low development costs

You may face many issues when you don’t design the website correctly from the start. 

With a well-planned design, you detect navigation errors early on and eliminate features that affect the website’s functionality. 

Also, remember that a user-friendly website can help you eliminate the hassle of regular check-ups, saving time and money. 

Mistakes to avoid 

Not focussing on user-centred design

You must keep in mind the problems and needs of the users while designing the website. Avoiding so will not enable you to create the desired impact on the customers affecting your business’ sustainability. 

It is a good idea to interview or perform a survey to gain some perspective on the target audience’s needs before proceeding with the design. 

Using too many effects 

Excessive use of animation effects does not make for a great design. Instead, the site should be simple and minimalistic to optimise the user experience. 

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No scope for exploration 

Many designers follow the design strictly and limit any scope for exploration. While a basic design is necessary to start, not being flexible with trying out other sources may hinder you from designing a brilliant website. So, you must remain prepared and open to new ideas. 

User experience is directly related to conversion rates and the success of your business. However, creating a website is not all. You must be mindful of maintaining the design quality to keep the bounce rates minimum. Also, you should remain abreast of the trends and tweak the interface to maximise user-friendliness.

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